Clothing Giveaway

Clothing Giveaway

Clothing Giveaway

Clothing Giveaway

Clothing Giveaway
Many in our community are in need of assistance, including basic goods such as clothing.
We do what we can to be of assistance by providing clothing to those in need.
Clothing donations are also much appreciated so that we can continue to stock our supply.
Please contact Nancy Space, ministry leader for Tabitha's Closet,
or the church office for more information,
or stop by the church during our hours shown below.
March - December
Clothing Giveaway is open the 2nd Saturday of each month from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM.
Come help us set up on the Friday before each event from 1:00 - 2:00 PM.
We also appreciate any help to organize and put away clothing after each Saturday event.
January - February