Our Mission, Vision & Beliefs
Our Mission
To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
Our Vision
First United Methodist Church is a Christ-centered community welcoming all, worshiping freely, and working together to glorify God as we put our faith into action.
We Believe!
One of the most important questions you can ask is, “What do I believe?” Here are some key beliefs we hold as a community of faith.
We believe in God! While probably not surprising, this simple statement is the foundation of everything else we believe. The God who we believe in is far more than just a higher power. He is the one who created all things and who desires an intimate, loving relationship with all people.
We believe that all people need the transforming love of God in their lives. As a result of our broken relationship with God (sin), Jesus Christ came to pay the penalty for our sin and provide the way back to right relationship with God. We believe that Jesus is the Son of God, who died and was raised from the dead to sit at God’s right hand in heaven.
We believe that God sent the Holy Spirit to live within us, just as Jesus promised. The Spirit is not a force, but a person – God himself. He makes our lives his home, guiding and empowering us to live lives of faith. He points out our sin and leads us back to God, gives us understanding of the deep things of God, and helps us in our prayers. The Spirit continues to demonstrate God’s power in, and through us.
We believe that Jesus is coming back for his church and that, until then, we are called to witness to our faith and share his love with the world. This includes caring for the needs of others, seeking justice and mercy, and participating in outreach and missions.