2023 Roof Construction
Campaign Updates & Photos
Construction Updates & Photos

Raise the Roof Campaign Final Update | August 2023
I am happy to report that after three and a half years of fundraising efforts, we have reached our goal of replacing the aging roofs on our church structures.
Thanks to the generosity of our congregation, our friends in the community who stepped up to help us meet our goal, and the announcement from the Wilkins Foundation awarding us a $4,000 grant, our campaign was a success having reached our goal of $96,000.
The Raise the Roof Committee obtained proposals from four roofing contractors and after a thorough review of the quotes, ADM Quality Construction of Marathon was the contractor selected to perform the work. The Trustees and Church Council approved the selection.
As a result, the existing shingles on the three church structures will be replaced with new heavy gauge metal roofing.
Any additional donations received will be added to our funds and used for repair to damaged areas inside the church caused by roof leaks. Extensive water damage was sustained in the church office, front entrance, childcare room, fellowship hall, and classroom area.
The roof work is scheduled to begin shortly after Labor Day.
Raise the Roof Committee
August 27, 2023
Raise the Roof Meter
Goal Met!

Roof Construction Final Update | December 2023
The ADM Quality Construction team of roofers has completed our roofing project replacing the roofs of the church, parsonage, three-bay storage barn, and bell canopy. All four structures have been reroofed in attractive heavy gauged metal that carries a long-term metal and workmanship warranty. The construction began in mid-September and was completed in advance of Christmas.
As you can see, the end result looks great and is in keeping with the overall architectural look of our structures.
We are grateful for the generous support of the congregation for helping raise the majority of the total funds. The project would not have succeeded without your continued support over the past three years. We are also thankful for the support of local businesses, the Wilkins Foundation, and the neighboring community with donations to our bottles and cans drive.
The next phase involves repair to the interior ceilings and walls of the church damaged by water leaks over the past few years. Work is planned to begin in January.
Board of Trustees Treasurer
Dec. 15, 2023
Construction Project Photos
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(Images are arranged newest first, to oldest)